To be a positive influence toward the growth of the sport of wrestling.
7: What Is My Vision?
That I will create one of the most trusted sources for all things wrestling.
8: What Is My Goal?
That I will appeal to and connect with an audience currently outside the wrestling community and bring them into the fold.
9: What Makes Me Different From Others?
I’m 100% independent and free of agenda beyond my mission. I have unique ways of telling stories, designing and delivering content, and connecting with people.
10: What Do I Regret Most About My Wrestling Career?
That I didn’t take it *seriously* as a lifelong endeavor and ended up without much of a career at all. That when I was first introduced to the sport I thought it was lame and not really worth my time. I was too cool for it.
11: What Do I Like Most About Wrestling Now?
That you get out what you put in
12: Why Do You Focus On HS Wrestling?
I think the challenges unique to HS athletes make for compelling stories and they’re still closer to the beginning of their journey than the end.
13: How Can We Support What You’re Doing?
1) Follow on Facebook, IG, Tiktok, YouTube = Tkdwn Media
2) Subscribe here
3) Introduce me to potential advertisers and sponsors of upcoming content series
4) I’ll have merchandise for sale soon
14: Will I Ever Charge For Content Access?
No. That’s not conducive to growing the sport.
Final Thoughts:
In today’s entertainment landscape, everyone has a content platform and charges a subscription. We’ve cut the cord only to buy back all the same channels independently. Wrestling has a few people providing content from rankings to podcasts to articles and most if not all charge for access. I’m also asking people to join me on this journey and possibly subscribe to me. I’m not a lifer. I don’t come with a history or legacy of equity built in within the wrestling community. I don’t have a name that people just see and jump on board. Yet. So in the meantime, my plan is to continue setting the bar for quality in content and build that trust from the ground up. I think the people I’ve met so far and done stories on, etc will attest to the respect I have for the sport, the people in it, and the approach I have. I’m excited for how Ive grown and look forward to much more!